You, and people like you, have had enough. The boil has started and cannot be reversed. By people like you joining us gives strength to the cause of taking back your property rights.
We can only change the laws when good people stand up to abusive and intrusive property tax laws that punish the improvements of our homes, land, property, and our lives. Together we are taking this fight to the lawmakers - and with your continued support We Will Win Back Your Property.
Our Mission
With your help, we have taken up the fight to reclaim your property rights that have been stolen from you. At the state level we are standing up to change the property tax laws to give you, we the people, our homes, land, and property back. We believe the government should not own your property - you do.
Only you have the right to quiet and peaceful enjoyment of your home, land, and property. To be forced into the burdensome position of concern of how to pay rent, property taxes, to the government every year must be abolished. Our mission is to do it - and we can with strength in numbers.
“No power on earth has a right to take our property without our consent.”
What We've Achieved
- Gaining strength in numbers everyday.
- Organized regular everyday citizens along with professionals to interact with state lawmakers to change property tax law.
- Giving you a voice and a real chance to reclaim your home, land & property.
- Holding individual tax officials to the same tax standards as all of us.
- Gaining the support of more lawmakers everyday.
- Organized Farmers, Ranchers, Home Owners, and Property Owners into one large group to regain our freedoms of ownership.